Sunday, February 10, 2013

Grammys Schmammys

The Grammy's are on and my Facebook wall is lighting up with posts about Mumford and Sons, Adam Levine and Justin Timberlake.  I'm not watching.  Don't get me wrong, I love Timberlake as much as the next girl, but my freakout over a new JT album is when James Taylor releases a new CD.  (I'll wait while the youngsters Google James Taylor to see who he is, or better yet kids, just ask your parents)

There is a new band, however, that really makes some beautiful music together.  We call them "Grandma and the Stool Softeners".  My mom and Abby like to entertain Lucy upstairs by shaking musical instruments and pill bottles.  When Grandma's aspirin were becoming broken and powdery, they switched their "maracas" to stool softener pills.  So every evening, the music begins.   

This particular evening, Lucy was shirtless and more interested in jumping around on the bed than making music.  (She's clearly the Anthony Kiedis of the group) (I'll wait while the older readers Google Anthony Kiedis - I'm an equal opportunity name dropper)

They are currently working an a music video, I will be sure to let you know when it drops.

Over the weekend, this site went over 1,000 views and I posted absolutely nothing new.
Thank you, and I'm sorry.

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