Sunday, January 13, 2013

Small rant - hope I don't offend anyone (repost from my personal Facebook page)

I've seen a few posts today about a school supplies drive being held locally where the items will be sent to the Sandy Hook Elementary students.  I myself am very active with several charities and I would never want to step on someone's toes while they are giving their time, money and goods to someone in need.  But, let's be honest.  Do the children of Sandy Hook Elementary, who survived an atrocious attack on their school and neighborhood, really need school supplies donated from a small town in Pennsylvania?  The answer is "No."   This isn't even my answer - it is the answer from the people of Newtown.  On December 27th of last year, the citizens of Newtown asked for no further donations, as shown in the following Associated Press article.

Let me tell you who needs donations of school supplies...many children right here in our local school district.  Poverty affects many students within our own city limits.  Our state wide budget cuts don't help put pencils and paper in the kids' hands either.  You know who does put pencils in the hands of the kids - many of our teachers.  And for that, and many other things - I am thankful for the teachers I have known in my life.  All of them.

I genuinely applaud the efforts of those organizing the school supply drive.  But the old saying "Charity begins at home" completely applies to this case, in my humble opinion.  Many children in this area need food, clothing, school supplies and even more than that, they need to see smiling faces of positive role models helping their own community.

So donate to the school supply drive, or drop off a bag of supplies to one of our local schools, or put a fiver in the red kettle or whatever YOU WANT TO.  Just consider who might need your donation more.

I really hope I haven't made anyone angry with this post, that wasn't my intention.

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