Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Meet the Mayor of the Middle of Crazytown

There is a challenge I put my girl scout troop through every year at our opening meeting...."Who are you?"
I challenge the girls to list 10 nouns/phrases that describe who they are.
So here's my version

1.  Mom of two daughters
2.  Wife to Rob
3.  Step-mom to another daughter
4.  Girl scout leader
5.  Daughter
6.  Sister
7.  Volunteer
8.  Autism advocate
9.  Friend
10. Creative force (crafts, cooking)

Busy lady, right?  Yes - so here comes the ultimate question...."Why a blog?"

Well, I'm a pretty active Facebook poster:
*  multiple pics of the kids where I have to post both because the smile is just slightly different and "isn't that face gorgeous, too?"
*  random musings on pop culture, football and whatever else strikes me
*  crazy quotes from my family, like this ditty from my 13 year old, "Mom...you know Rascal Flatts?  That's the band's name.  I totally though it was that guy's name."

Basically, I love my life and the people in it - and suspect you will too.

So hopefully, you'll find something here entertaining, thought-provoking or amusing enough to stick around.
I hope so...because #11 on my list is "Blogger".

Welcome...and buckle up, people...there's rarely a dull moment in the Middle of Crazytown.


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