Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Blizzards of '93 and '13

Today we got 9 inches of snow between midnight and 11 a.m.

And a good deal of it melted before 7 pm.  Weirdest weather day I can remember.

School was cancelled, Rob took a vacation day and I was reminded of the Blizzard of '93, when I was a sophomore in college.

A day before the storm hit, which had been predicted for days, my roommate, hereinafter referred to as "Schmo Denardo", (google Joe Denardo if you aren't from Pittsburgh) told my brother and his friend that it "wasn't really going to snow" and they should come visit as was previously planned before the storm was announced. Truth be known, Schmo Denardo was interested in my brother's friend, and weather reports be damned, she wanted him to visit.  So the boys drove up to visit in our friend's Jaguar.  Not exactly a weather safe vehicle, but whatever.  They arrived on Friday and so did the snow.  Over 2 feet of it over the next two days.  My brother and his friend were stuck in my room for 5 days.  Schmo Denardo did not make a love connection with our family friend so she was just "thrilled" that they extended their stay.

On day 4, my roommate, my brother, his friend and my other two best friends all got sick.  On day 6 the boys started to feel better and I sent them home, before I killed them (I had started forming a plan).  My mother protested them driving home "so soon" but I informed her that it was far more dangerous for them to stay with me than it would be on the roads in a sports car.

Suffice it to say that I am not moving to Alaska anytime soon, and if I do, there will be limited visits from my brother.

During the days after the Blizzard, my friends and I:

*  stole cafeteria trays to attack the fresh snow and sled-ride
*  called Route 30 beer to see if they were open (they were - and someone got there for a GIANT order)
*  called the college operator every 15 minutes to see if classes were cancelled yet for the next day
*  I trudged across campus to the cafeteria to get gallons of soup for my sick roommates and friends

This year, my family:

*  attacked a pile of laundry
*  took turns watching Bubble Guppies and Supernatural (Rob and millions of teenage girls love that show)
*  considered taking the kids outside, thought about Lucy's perpetual runny nose and resisted the urge
*  I made soup (far better than the cafeterias)

20 years later, I still know how to party.

I would certainly roll around on the floor and laugh at that last statement, but I'd likely land on a giant lego.

Stay warm people, spring has to coming soon....right?

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