Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My precious has lost his "precious"

Rob lost his wedding ring.


Ok - truth be told, he didn't lose the first one, the one from our actual wedding.  

That one broke. 

It was gold and ribbed (for his pleasure), and it matched my engagement ring.  

It cracked and started pinching his skin on occasion, 
causing him to scream, hold his ring finger and shake his hand violently.

Yes...just the sort of behavior you want to see your husband exhibit.

So I bought him a new one, and had the inside inscribed with our special phrase that we say to each other, "With All of My Being"
(I once told Rob I loved him with all of my heart, and he said that wasn't good enough 
- he loved me with all of his BEING!)

And now this newer ring is missing.

He has two days to find it or he will be getting his first tattoo at age 47.

I have already decided what to have them inscribe on his finger...
"Yes, I am quite a catch - funny thing, that word "catch" - if my wife catches you checking my finger for a ring, there's going to be a problem."

Now, Rob does have big hands and large fingers, but it's possible I may have chosen too much text for his wedding ring tattoo.

Wish him luck finding the old one.

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