Gold medal winning ice dancers, Meryl Davis and Charlie White are going to be on Dancing with the Stars.
I've been wondering for weeks the following question...
Why does she look so much OLDER than him?
Possible theories:
1. She IS 1 year older than him, 26 to 27 could be where "old age" happens.
2. The inch of make-up they force that (beautiful) woman to wear is aging her.
3. Maybe I just notice it because Charlie White looks like the infant Baby New Year from the Rudolph cartoon. I keep waiting for his giant ears to pop his top hat off.
4. I should say something serious about how society focuses on a woman's age and looks more than a man's...but I'm frankly too tired to do that.
Best of luck, Meryl and Charlie. Meryl is dancing with Maksim Chmerkovsky so she's already got her hands on more GOLD. Lucky lady.