Sunday, September 22, 2013

RIP, Larry

When did it become customary to list your "Dislikes" next to your "Likes" in an obituary?

Direct quote from an obituary in today's local paper:

"Larry disliked beets, drive thrus, musicals and Jane Fonda."
(Yes, Larry was a Vietnam Vet, in case you were wondering)

This has me wondering what I hate enough to request that it be listed in my obituary.

Ray Lewis.
Soccer.  (Known in my house as the "S word")
Pea soup.

What's on YOUR list?

Monday, September 2, 2013

22 years ago

I have a "dark day".  It's September 2nd.

22 years ago, the phone rang and my world collapsed.

It wasn't even my phone, it was a pay phone.

It was my freshman year in college and my room didn't have phone service yet, so I would get a phone call every night from my mom.

I couldn't figure out why she was calling me this night though.  She had just dropped me off that day, Labor Day, after 3 days at home with friends and family.

"I have bad news", she said.

"Grandpa's dead.", I said.  One of my worst fears.

"No, it's Brian."  I think I was held up off the ground, by the phone cord.

His name was Brian Wilhelm and he was my world.  He was funny, charming, and flawed.  He was 10 years older than me, but I loved him.  We both thought he was invincible.  

And he was killed by his best friend who was drinking and driving.

Make good choices, everyone.  Don't create a dark day for someone who loves you.

Rest in peace, Willie.  I miss you very much.  Every time I pick up a friend at a bar to give them a safe ride home, I do it in your honor.