I'm injured.
It is, as they say "merely a flesh wound".
I got burned on Tuesday and still have about 4 nasty blisters on my finger. I wouldn't normally blog about this sort of thing, but Abby is highly concerned about the future of my finger. She is so concerned that she asked her psychiatrist to examine my finger during her medicine check appointment today. He was confused. I was amused.
What caused this horrible injury to my second favorite finger? (I think you know which is my favorite)
The injury was caused by direct contact with meatloaf.
No, not a pushed-to-the-brink-by-Gary-Busey Crazy (with a capitol C) Meatloaf (with a capitol M).
No, this injury was caused by reheating a slice of my mother's delicious meatloaf. The glaze on the meatloaf, when re-heated for only 40 seconds, turned into a styrofoam plate-melting, skin-melting lava. Tasty, but life threatening.
Worry not, I will find a way to survive. Flowers would be appreciated, but not as much as I would appreciate someone washing my dishes. Stay safe, people.